Editing a News Link in SharePoint Online

SharePoint offers two ways to post news to your site- a news post or a news link. A news post is a page saved to your Site Pages library and is best for content you own. A news link allows you to use a URL from another SharePoint site or external website and post that as news to your site. This link will redirect a site visitor to the original source ensuring you are not duplicating information.

You may be experiencing a challenge where you cannot edit your news link after you publish. Check out this handy workaround to avoid deleting and reposting your news link.

Navigate to the Site Pages library by selecting the Settings gear in the top right, click Site Contents, then Site Pages.

Once you are within the library, select the page created by your news link and click Copy Link in the ribbon. Open the Link Settings (the box immediately below the URL and Copy Link button) and switch to Anyone with existing access then click Apply. This workaround only works with this link style.

Paste your news link into the address bar and delete everything that appears after “.aspx?” and add in “stay=true.”

Voilà! You now have access to edit the news link title, description, and thumbnail image.

Want to learn more about news? Check out the documentation for news posts and news links from Microsoft.

7 Thoughts

  1. Emily: This was helpful. Surely there must be a better way, but your workaround works. How on Earth did you come across stay=true? Amazing.


  2. Thanks Emily, really helpful, I too noticed edit a News link page had disappeared and was about to log a support call!


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